web-HUMAN Workshops, Presentations and Articles
The materials distributed in teaching various workshops or in giving selected past presentations on web-HUMAN plus some article references
These are often in the form of "how-to-do-it" instructions and therefore provide users with additional or parallel presentations of how to set up and use the model in teaching.
Includes a link to the tutorial featured in the HAPS Educator Summer 2007 issue and HAPS07 Workshop materials.
II. Workshops / Presentations ( a mix of human versions 4 & 6.1-7.x )
A. Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Workshop (May, 2002)
1] Handout #1 - Introduction to web-HUMAN - High Altitude Simulation [PDF]
1a] Full version - Introduction to web-HUMAN - High Altitude Simulation [PDF]
2] Handout #2 - Simulation of Fever (onset and stabilization)
3] Handout #3 - Endurance Exercise Simulation
B. HAPS 2003 web-HUMAN Workshop (June 4, 2003) updated 6/8/03
Utilizing web-HUMAN to Simulate Physiologic Pathology
- Anemia teaching simulation with analysis
- Induction of a fever - factors involved in thermoregulation - teaching simulation
- Emphysema - effects of reduced lung diffusion surface area (see Emphysema: A sample clinical pathophysiology experiment)
C. HAPS- Calgary Workshop - [ with revised post-workshop materials ]
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Workshop (June 16, 2004)1] Workshop handout - "Web-HUMAN Aerobic Exercise Simulation: Use as a Tool in Teaching Systems Physiology and Pathophysiology"- (revised June 21)
This PDF is designed specifically for HAPS workshop participants to illustrate how a student simulation lab (an aerobic exercise simulation) can be tailored to stress the cardiovascular, respiratory or thermal aspects of exercise as well as to assess the effects of cardiovascular conditioning and pathology on exercise endurance.2] Workshop protocol- Step by step instructions for Basic Aerobic Exercise and Endurance Exercise Investigations
- (revised June 21)
An annotated set of step-by-step instructions used in the workshop.
D. HAPS '05 Workshop materials - including self-instruction via screen by screen documentation for the new web-HUMAN version 6. A] Workshop- Part 1 An introduction to web-HUMAN 6
with expanded graphing capabilities and save/retrieve experiments capability
B] Workshop- Part 2 Sample uses of web-HUMAN 6 1) For Lecture demonstration - storing and recalling models for lecture demo
- 2) For Independent student lab assignments- students create and save models in response to an insrtuctor's assigment. They can then be called back for instructor evaluation, class discussion, etc. .
- 3) To create & store new Patients- for use by your students or by your students for your evaluation
E. HAPS '06 Workshop Materials (U. Texas/ Austin, June 2006)- complete workshop handout link (see below for Educator article tutorial) [Human version 7.x]
As an integrative systems model it might seem difficult to use web-HUMAN to teach certain isolated classical physiological concepts because the model, rather than showing the desired phenomenon, responds and adjusts its physiological behavior on a continuing basis.
Thus attempting to demonstrate the Starling relationship might fail because the very act of perturbing the ventricular filling will result in the initiation of a complex of compensatory physiological adjustments rather than the simple change in ventricular performance desired.
The trick is to engage in any manuever for a very brief period of time thus not giving the model a chance to adjust its physiology. This workshop detailed several such example maneuvers.
G. HAPS '07 Workshop Materials (San Diego June 2007 - "Catch the wave" )
• How to register / Save & Retrieve Models [ PDF link ]
• Endurance Exercise - Using the familiar (i.e. exercise) to "lure" students [ PDF link ]• Stored workshop models (requires login)
Go to the Haps07 Workshop folder and run/examine
- all participant's models
- sample finished workshop models by RSM as follows:• Exercise Experiment-Roy's Sample
• Heat Balance Demo - Raised Environ. Temp.H. HAPS '08 Workshop Materials (New Orleans June 2008 - "Skelly?" )
A workshop in using web-HUMAN to support the teaching of Renal Physiology. [ Handout link ]
I. The HAPS Educator Summer 2007 Article
Those who wish to follow the step by step HUMAN tutorial described in the article can find a link to the tutorial here [ link to introductory tutorial ].
I. SICB presentations - available on request.
J. Selected web listings
The model, along with descriptions of various lengths (and ages) is listed in many web sites including the following locations:
• at Merlot [ Merlot listing link ]
• at the American Physiological Society [ APS Archive of Teaching Resources Object # 450 ]
• at NORINA [ link to record 4490 ]
• at iWorx [ link and then search web_human ].