HAPS 2003 (ver. 6/02/03)
The value of core body temperature (TEMP) is a function of the set point of the hypothalamic temperature regulatory center. This target set point (TEMSET) is normally 37.0 deg C. Fevers are the result of a rise in the hypothalamic target temperature; that is body fever temperatures result from an active attempt on the part of the hypothalamus to raise the body temperature.
The process of 'getting a fever' then is actually a result of being too cold (!); with the body's temperature (TEMP) being below the new hypothalamic target temperature (TEMSET) the mechanisms of heat production are cranked up and the mechanisms of heat loss are turned down until body temperature rises to the new desired hypothalamic level.
I. Fever Induction
In order to follow induction of a fever (and its stabilization at the new higher target temperature) and monitor the major routes of heat production and heat loss over a 24 hour time period
Trace and explain the overall response pattern for each of the six variables you tracked.
Extra - Start Over, reset up the fever and monitor for the same time period the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SYMPNA).
II. Fever stabilization
Reset the model by clicking <Start Over>.
Repeat the entire fever induction protocol above but set the time as follows:
Run your experiment for 24 hours (enter 24H) with 1 hour (1H) bewteen printouts.
- notice the effort of the control system to prevent overshoot of the target temperature after it passes its target.