web-HUMAN Exercise
Aerobic Exercise
Various Experimental Designs

( Workshop of Wednesday June 16)
( Revised June 21 for post-workshop use )

Below are the "step-by-step" "how to run it in HUMAN" instructions employed in the workshop. An alternate text-based format can also be found under the HAPS 04 Workshop heading on the main Help page.

1) Exercise- Basic Design

Table Columns:

Experimental Controls
Change Variable:
XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0

Run Experiment:
for 1H at 5 min. intervals

Get Information
Choose one....
Your Patient's Chart

1) At what time did the exercise terminate and why?
27 min.- see Your Patient's Chart
2) Of the 2 parts of the O2 delivery system, the respiratory and cardiovascular, which showed the larger increase and what implications might this have for O2 delivery during exercise? [eyeball 25 min. values]
Cardiac Output increases only ≈ 3 times (5->15 L/M); Ventilation increases almost 10 times (5->50 L/M)
3) Eyeball cardiac output and muscle blood flow and find evidence for muscle vasodilation during exercise.
Cardiac Output increases only ≈ 3 times (5->15 L/M); muscle flow increases 1->13 L/M !
4) Why, despite the large increase in lung ventilation, does the blood O2 content not rise appreciably?
The O2-hemogobin dissociation curve is quite flat in the region above 0.19 ml O2 / ml blood

2) Exercise - Thermal Physiology

[ viewing the same aerobic exercise from a thermoregulation point of view]
<Start Over>

Table Columns:

Change Variable:
XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0

Run Experiment:
for 25 min. at 5 min. intervals

1) What pattern does heat dumping by sweating show and why?
2) Why does skin flow increase?
3) Why does blood volume drop?

Graph the latest data:
<3> (TEMP), <5> (SWETV)
Note that web_human graphs only two variables vs. time; as per your requests we have now begun to work on allowing two 2 variable plots.

3) Exercise - Blood Gas Physiology

[ viewing the same aerobic exercise still once more but from a blood gases sample point of view]

O2A, O2V, PH, PCO2A, VENT, BLAC <---your blood Tables

XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0

Run Experiment:
for 25 min. at 5 min. intervals

1) Why does

a) PCO2A drop? - overventilation
b) O2A rise? - see first section
c) arterial pH fall? - a metabolic acidosis develops (see lactate accumulation); it overrides the hypocapnia-induced respiratory alkalosis.

2) What evidence is there that O2 extraction has risen?
The difference between arterial (O2A) and venous (O2V) O2 content has risen markedly.

4) Exercise - with pathology (COPD)


XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0, <Go> note that to change 3 parameters one changes two first, hits <Go>
MSA = 30 (and then changes the third)

Your Patient's chart
Run for 25 min. at 5 min. intervals
<Go> and then finally runs the experiment
How long does the model now exercise before quiting?

For a more extended look at simulating part of emphysema via reducing MSA see Help
- How to do it Examples -> Emphysema

We ended the workshop here and instead discussed your suggestions for improvement of usefulness in teaching.
Those suggestions are now being examined as to implementation (see Plans For Human).
Further feedback on the workshop, the suggestions or any aspect of web-HUMAN would be greatly appreciated.
Please email me at rmeyers@skidmore.edu .

5a) Exercise Endurance - Basic

[More on endurance exercise can be found in Help under I. How to do it examples - Endurance Exercise]

02A, COL, O2DEBT, MFLOL, VENT, EXER - the usual exercise setup

Change Variable:
XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0

Obtain Help... Your Patient's Chart
Run 1 h with 5 min. intervals
Get Time to Exercise Cessation - 27 min. in Your Patient's Chart

5b) Exercise Endurance - Respiratory restriction reduced


Change Variable:
XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0, <Go>
FO2AT = 1.0 -this increases the Fraction of O2 in the ATmosphere to 1.0 (100%) from its normal value of 0.21 (21%)
Your Patient's Chart
Run 1 h with 5 min. intervals
Get Time to Exercise Cessation - 44 min.

5c) Exercise Endurance - Cardiovascular restriction reduced


XERMIN =100, EXER = 2.0, <Go>
RHSB = 1.25, LHSB = 1.25 -these increase the Basic Left & Right Heart Strength by 25% simulating aerobic conditioning
Your Patient's Chart
Run 1 h with 5 min. printouts
Get Time to Exercise Cessation
-still going!