[Last update
15 May., 2015]
Newly revised & updated! - II. About web-HUMAN - In depth Basic how-to-run
This Manual now reflects most of the major changes
introduced by HUMAN 9 but continues to undergo revisions on an ongoing basis.
All manual sections are essentially useable "as is"; sections fully updated for HUMAN 9 are indicated by a *
Learn how to use web-HUMAN
For beginners, first time users - An introductory, step-by step tutorial designed to familiarize beginning users with what the model is and how to run it. This module is also available from a link Introductory tutorial on Human's main home page.
II. About web-HUMAN * - An overview with direct links to how-to-do-it Help pages & example experiments [last update 11 Oct.]
A new redesigned version of About web-HUMAN whose purpose is to familiarize the reader with many of the fundemental capabilities of the web-HUMAN site.
It does so in part by providing links within the document itself to Help pages, tutorials & self-running simulations.
As such it now forms a self-teaching tutorial on how to use web-HUMAN .
This module is also available via a link Human- Basic how-to-run on Human's main home page.
III. Learning basic web-HUMAN *
More in depth - Three self-instructional tutorials (simulating altitude* ascent, endurance exercise* and emphysema*) containing step by step instructions keyed to screen by screen snapshots that teach new users how to run the model.
IV. Click and run models *
How to use web-HUMAN immediately with no setup.
It is perfectly possible for you or your students to run pre-stored models One click Experiments) by simply first logging in for access.
This causes the appearance of the list of available one-step simulations that can then be run by simply clicking on the model of your choice.This section describes how to access and run the One- click models and suggests circumstances under which you might find this shortcut useful.
Note that although we recommend that you familiarize yourself with web-HUMAN first by running the brief self-teaching tutorial [ link ], this is in no way necessary to using the one-click models.
V. Patients- How to run and analyze web-HUMAN patients *
The original Patient section in the Coleman (and Coleman/Randall) HUMAN model has been expanded in web-HUMAN to allow for new physiological learning capabilities.
The new features include
• 1) a mode with open access to all physiological variables
• 2) a Hints section that leads the user down one or more useful investigative pathways and
• 3) an analysis/ diagnosis section that shows the user how the case was created in HUMAN, explains the relevance of the results obtained by the user in the Hints procedures and suggests how to possibly stabilize ("cure") the condition.
VI. Learning the more advanced features of web-HUMAN *
How to
- login / register for Save/Retrieve capability
- save and retrieve your experiments
- structure a lab in which students author their own models
- use the on-line help features
- pass web-HUMAN data to Excel for more advanced analysis
VII. Learn web-HUMAN via sample simulations [ [last update 4 Oct. ]
Nine sample graphic model outputs and the settings in the model necessary to create them.
Includes a wide range of models to illustrate web-HUMAN's breadth including endurance exercise, fever, anemia, alpha vascular block, kidney-induced volume retention, sympathetic tumor, uremia and HUMAN's artificial organs.
Sample Teaching Simulations / Resources
I. Sample Models - web-HUMAN Simulations developed for courses at Skidmore College *
Formatted lab instructions for some thirty plus web-HUMAN laboratory exercises employed over the past 9 years in Skidmore College physiology courses.
The courses (Mammalian Physiology, Medical Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Comparative Vertebrate Physiology) cover a wide swath of systems physiological territory including respiratory, renal, acid-base, cardiovascular, thermal and adaptive physiology and specific physiopathology topics such as nephrectomy, central vascular shunts, hypertension, fistulas, anemia, etc.. Some 20 new or modified models/exercises have been posted in respiration and renal for the Medical Physiology 2012 course and additional teaching exercises for the Spring 2013 Mammalian Physiology are being posted on an ongoing basis.
II. Sample Models - Experiments from the HUMAN - 80 "Student's Manual" for use in courses *
Formatted student instructions for 19 experiments in HUMAN-80, an earlier version of the HUMAN model by Dr. Randall, that was designed to run on stand-alone desktop machines (PC's). Since the physiology of the model is the same as that of web-HUMAN, these instructions work "as is" but have been updated and annotated for fuller compatibility with the web-HUMAN interface.
Other Resources
I. List of all web-HUMAN variables and parameters *
This page's contents are now available from within the model itself and are superceded by the On-line Help option <Help info on:>.
This link to the older variables List page is mantained for the convenience of long time users.To access this page from On-line Help- in the model's Help section simply click on the Help info on: <Choose> option to call up any variable of interest.
When the Help screen appears, click on the View summary of all variables link at the page bottom to get this page (which provides a searchable/printable list).
II. Workshops/ Presentations/ Articles / web Links
The materials distributed in teaching various workshops, in giving past presentations on web-HUMAN and some past article references and web links.
These are often in the form of "how-to-do-it" instructions and therefore provide users with additional or parallel presentations of how to set up and use the model in teaching. Some are somewhat dated because of their links to earlier versions of web-HUMAN.
This section includes a link to the tutorial materials used in the HAPS '06 workshop and featured in the Summer 2007 HAPS Educator.