Learning Advanced Features of web-HUMAN

In web-HUMAN users can

- access Help directly on-line from within the model *

- login/register so as to enable your ability to save or retrieve saved experiments *

- pass web-HUMAN data to Excel for more advanced analysis *

- save and retrieve experiments you create *

- structure a lab in which students author their own models and store them for future evaluation *

II. Using some of the more advanced features of web-HUMAN

1- Access on-line Help * directly within the model - On-line Help allows within-the-model access to information on all variables and a range of procedures.

2- How to Register & Login-* Login is necessary for any Save/Retrieve Experiment-dependent maneuver and for access to the patients diagnosis/ analysis section. It is not necessary for the use of any other web-HUMAN feature. [That said, items 1-4 below ARE indeed Login dependant.]

3- Graphing web-HUMAN Data in Excel * / Moving data into Excel for graphing and analysis beyond web-HUMAN's built-in graphing capabilities

4- Save/Retrieve Experiment * / How to Save/Retrieve/Share experiments

5- Student authored models * / sample use of Save/Retrieve- simulations created & stored by students in response to an assignment