web-Human Variables & Parameters Lists

Note well: The most current information about variables & parameters is now available on line within the model page itself. [Tell me more]
The list below is provided as a convenience to users 1) who are accustomed to using it from past model versions or 2) who feel that they prefer to access a searchable, printable comprehensive list of all of the model's variables. Be aware that the on-line Variables_Help contains more comprehensive information than does this page.

(HUMAN - Written by Tom Coleman (U. of Miss. Med. Center), micro version w/ James E. Randal, (U of Indiana, School of Medicine)

Variables (==> click here for parameters, variables that are user adjustable)

ADH Plasma Antidiuretic Hormone Conc (4.0 pg/ml)
ALDO Plasma Aldosterone ( 8.0 ng/dl )
AP Mean Arterial Pressure (100.0 mmHg)

AVENT Alveolar Ventilation (4100.0 ml/min)
AVENTL AVENT in liters (4.1 L/Min)
AVFLOW A-V Fistula Flow (ml/min)
BH2OL Body Water in Liters (56.0 L)
BICARB Plasma Bicarbonate (24.0 mMol/L)

BLAC Blood Lactate (1.0 mMol/L)
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate (1.17 Cal/Min)
BODCAL Body Calories (2460.0 Calories)
BODH2O Body Water (56000.0 ml)
BRAINF Brain Blood Flow (750.0 ml/min)

BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen ( 15.0 mg-N/dl )
BV Blood Volume (5000.0 ml)
CALP Total Calories Produced ( 1.17 Cal/min)

CELH2O Cell Water (41000. ml)
CK Cell Potassium (140.0 mEq/L)
CO Cardiac Output (5500.0 ml/min)
CO2A C02 Content - Arterial (0.46 ml/ml)
CO2EXP Expired C02 (200.0 ml/min)

CO2T Tissue C02 Concentration (0.5 ml/ml)
C02V C02 Content - Veins (0.5 ml/ml)
COL Cardiac Output (Liters/min)
COND Total Vascular Conductance (55 ml/min/mmHg)
CORFLO Coronary Blood Flow (225.0 ml/min)

CVP Central Venous Pressure (5.0 mmHg)
DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure (80.0 mmHg)
DIGBL Digitalis Blood Level (ng/ml)
DYV Dialysis Ultrafiltration Rate ( 4.16 ml/min )
ECFV Extracellular Fluid Volume (15000.0 ml)

ERYTH Erythropoiesis (1.0 X Normal)
EXBIC Excretion of Bicarbonate (-0.05 mMol/Min)
EXH20 Excretion of Water ( 1.0 ml/min )
EXK Excretion of Potassium (0.042 mEq/Min)

EXNA Excretion of Sodium (0.118 mEq/min)
EXPR Excretion of Protein (0.00035 G/Min)
EXUR Excretion of Urea (8.0 mg-N2/min)
FC02R Fractional C02 in Lungs (0.05)
FF Filtration Fraction ( 0.19 )

GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate (125.0 ml/min)
H20IN Water Intake (1.05 ml/min)
HCT Hematocrit (45%)
HEMRT Hemorrage Rate (ml/min)
HGB Hemoglobin (15.0 g/dl)

HGHT Height (175.0 cm)
HGHTIN Height in inches (69.0 inches)
ICOP Interstitial Colloid Pressure (6.2 mmHg)
IFP Interstitial Fluid Pressure (-5.0 mmHg)
IFRT Infusion Rate (ml/min)

IFV Interstitial Fluid Volume (12250.0 ml)
IFVL IFV in Liters (12.2 L)
L2RS Left-to-Right Shunt Flow (ml/min)
LAP Left Atrial Pressure ( 6.0 mmHg )
LHS Left Heart Strength (1.0 X Normal)
LUNGF Lung Flow (5500.0 ml/min)

LYMPH Lymph Flow (2.5 ml/min)
MCFP Mean Circulatory Filling Pressure (7.0 mmHg)
MFLOL Muscle Blood Flow in Liters/Min (1.1 L/Min)
MUSFLO Muscle Flow (1100.0 ml/min)

02A Arterial Oxygen Content ( 0.194 ml/ml )
02DEBT Muscle Oxygen Debt (0.0 L)
02PV 02 Content - Pulmonary Vein ( 0.194 ml/ml )
02RH 02 Content - Right Heart (0.15 ml/ml)
02UPTK Oxygen Uptake (250.0 ml/min)

02V 02 Content - Mixed Venous (0.15 ml/ml)
OTHERF Other Tissue Flow ( 1825.0 ml/min )
PCAP Capillary Pressure (17.0 mmHg)
PC02 Venous and Tissue C02 Tension (45.0 mmHg)
PC02A Arterial C02 Tension (40.0 mmHg)

PC02R C02 Tension - Lungs ( 40.0 mmHg )
PCOP Plasma Colloid Pressure (28.0 mmHg)
PH Blood pH (7.4 pH units)
PIFP Pulmonary IFP (-6.0 mmHg)
PK Plasma Potassium (4.4 mEq/L)

PNA Plasma Sodium Concentration ( 144.0 mEq/L )
PNOR Plasma Norepinephrine Conc. ( 0.2 ng/ml )
PO2A 02 Tension - Arterial ( 98.0 mmHg )
PO2AT 02 Tension - Inspired Air ( 160.0 mmHg )
P02M Muscle pO2 ( 33.0 mmHg )

PO2PV 02 Tension - Pulmonary Vein ( 97.5 mmHg )
PO2R O2 Tension - Lungs ( 102.0 mmHg )
PO2RH 02 Tension - Right Heart (40.0 mmHg)
PO2V 02 Tension - Mixed Venous (40.0 mmHg)
POSM Plasma Osmolarity (304.0 mOs/L)

PPR Plasma Protein (7.3 g/dl)
PRA Plasma Renin Activity (1.0 ng-AI/ml/hr)
PULAP Pulmonary Artery Pressure (13.0 mmHg)
PULCAP Pulmonary Capillary Pressure ( 9.0 mmHg )

PULSE Heart Rate (72.0 Beats/Min)
PV Plasma Volume (2750.0 ml)
R2LS Right-to-Left Shunt (ml/min)
RAP Right Atrial Pressure (0.0 mmHg)
RAR Renal Afferent Resistance ( 0.033 mmHg/ml/min)

RBF Renal Blood Flow (1200.0 ml/min)
RCM Red Cell Mass (2250. ml)
RENPP Renal Perfusion Pressure - Post Clamp (100.0 mmHg)
RENR Renal Resistance ( 0.08 mmHg/ml/min)
RESPRT Respiration Rate (12.0 per minute)

RHOUT Right Heart Output (5500.0 ml/min)
RHS Total right Heart Strength (1.0 X Normal)
RPF Renal Plasma Flow ( 660.0 ml/min )
RVR Resistance to Venous Return (0.00127 mmHg/ml/min)
SBP Systolic Blood Pressure (120.0 mmHg)

SHIV Shivering Heat Consumption (Cal/Min)
SKNFLO Skin Blood Flow ( 400.0 ml/min )
SVOL Stroke Volume ( 76.0 ml )
SWETC Sweat Caloric Loss ( 0.29 Calories/Min)
SWETNA Sweat Sodium Concentration (20.0 mEq/L)

SWETV Sweat Volume per Minute ( 0.5 ml/min )
SYMPNA Sympathetic Nerve Activity (1.0 X Normal)
TEMP Body Temperature (37.0 Centigrade)
TEMPF Body Temperature - Fahrenheit (98.6 F.)
TIDVOL Tidal Volume (500.0 ml)

TPR Total Peripheral Resistance (0.018 mmHg/ml/min)
TRNRT Transfusion Rate (ml/min)

UK Urine Potassium ( 42.0 mEq/L )
UNA Urine Sodium ( 118.0 mEq/L )
UOSM Urine Osmolarity ( 760.0 mOs/L )

UPH Urine pH (5.9 pH Units)
UPR Urine Protein (0.035 g/dl)
VENT Ventilation Rate (6.0 L/Min)
VENT02 02 Consumed by Respir. Muscles ( 4.5 ml/min )
VISC Blood Viscosity (1.0 X Normal)

WGHT Body Weight ( 80.0 kg)

Parameters (variables that may be CHANGED by the user)
[See the on-line Help for more extensive notes on use or consult the Variables Help ]

A2INF Angiotensin II Infusion ( 0. to 100. ng/kg/min )
ADHB ADH - Basic Concentration (1.0 X Normal)
ALDOB ALDO - Basic Concentration ( 8.0 ng/dl )
ALDOP Primary Aldosteronism ( 0.0 to 10.0 )

ARRT Art. Respir.Rate ( 15.0 per Min )
ARTFLO Art. Heart Flowrate ( 5500.0 ml/min )
ARTHRT Artificial Heart Switch (1. = On, 0. = Off)
ARTRES Art. Respir. Switch (1. = On, 0. = Off)
ARVOL Art.Respir.,Tidal Volume (500.0 ml)
ATROP Atropine ( to 0.5 mg/kg I.M. ) * Single Dose *

AVFIST A-V Fistula (Fraction of CO)
BACID Basic Acid Production (72.0 mMol/day)
BAROP Barometric Pressure (760.0 mmHg)
BMRB BMR - Basic (1.17 Cal/Min)
CAD Coronary Art. Dis. (0. = None, 1. = Bad)

CEI Convert Enzyme Inhibitor (to 600.0 Mg/Day): Continuous Dose
CHLORO Chlorothiazide (to 1000.0 mg/day): Continuous Dose
CLAMP Renal Artery Clamp (Added mmHg)
DIAL Dialysis Switch (0=No, 1=Dialyze): For 8 Hours

DIETK Dietary Potassium (60.0 mEq/Day)
DIETNA Dietary Sodium (180.0 mEq/Day)
DIETPR Dietary Protein (70.0 G/Day)
DIGIT Digitalis (to 0.5 mg/day): Continuous Dose
DSPCEB Dead Space - Basic (this value temporarily removed for a Comp Vert Physiol Lab)
ERYTHB ERYTH - Basic (1.0 X Normal)

EXER Exercise (0.0 to 10.0 L-02/Min): Check XERMIN
EXPRB Protein Loss - Basic (0.00035 G/Min)
FCO2AT Fractional C02 in Atmosphere (0.0)
FDH20 Water in Food (1000.0 ml/day)
FL2RS Fractional Left-to-Right Shunt (X CO)

FO2AT Fractional 02 in Atmosphere ( 0.21 )
FOOD Relative Food Intake (1.0 X Normal)
FR2LS Fractional Right-to-Left Shunt (X CO)
FUROSE Furosemide (to 80.0 mg I.V.): Single Dose

HEMMIN Hemorrhage Timespan (Minutes)
HEMVOL Total Hemorrhage Volume (ml); Check HEMMIN
HYDRAL Hydralazine (to 75.0 mg/day) ** Continuous Dose **

IFBIC Infusion Bicarbonate (mMol/L)
IFK Infusion Potassium (mEq/L)
IFMIN Infusion Timespan (Minutes)
IFNA Infusion Sodium (mEq/L)
IFPR Infusion Protein (g/dl)
IFVOL Total Infusion Volume (ml) ** Check IFMIN **

LHSB Basic Left Heart Strength (1.0 X Normal) ** See RHSB
LMIB Left M.I. - Basic (0.0 = None, 1.0 = Complete) **See RMIB
MEMPER Capillary Memb. Perm ( 8.0 ml/min/mmHg )
MSA Pulmonary Membrane Surface Area (100%)

NITRO Nitroglycerin Dose (to 1.0 mg) ** As Needed **
NOREPI Norepinephrine ( to 50.0 mcg/min ): Check NORMIN
NORMIN Duration of Norepinephrine Infusion ( Minutes ): see NOREPI

PHEO Pheochromocytoma (0. = None, 3. = Severe)
PHOXY Phenoxybenzamine (to 60.0 mg/day): Continuous Dose
PULRB Basic Pulmonary Resistance ( 0.0013 mmHg/ml/min)
RELHUM Relative Humidity (0.3, Fractional)
REMASS Renal Mass (1.0 X Normal)
RENDIS Renal Disease (0.0 = None, 4.0 = Severe)

RHSB Basic Right Heart Strength (1.0 X Normal) **See LHSB
RMIB Right M.I. - Basic (0.0 = None, 1.0 = Complete) **See LMIB
SYMCL Clamped Sympathetic Level (1.0 = Normal): Check SYMSW
SYMSW Sympathetics Control Switch (1.0 = On, 0.0 = Off): See SYMCL
TEMAB Ambient Temperature (27.0 Centigrade)
TEMSET Hypothalamic Temperature Set-Point (37.0 C)
THY Thyroxine Secretion (100.0 ng/min)

TRNHCT Transfusion Hematocrit (%)
TRNMIN Transfusion Timespan (Minutes)
TRNVOL Total Transfusion Volume (ml): Check TRNMIN

U24 24-Hour Urine Collection Switch (0. = No, 1. = Do It)
UP Posture (0.=Automatic,1.=Upright,-1.=Prone)
XERMIN Duration of Exercise (10 Minutes)


[ We would like to thank Dr. Coleman for generously releasing the HUMAN code for use in web-HUMAN and Dr. Randall for his kind words of encouragement ].

1) HUMAN - Physiological Basis of A Comprehensive Model For Body Function - 1981 Version. Thomas G. Coleman.

2) HUMAN - FORTRAN Source Code, Source Comments and Documentation. Thomas Coleman - 1979 Version.

3) HUMAN - 80 - Microcomputer Version of A Mathematical Model ... (1981-7)

Instructor's Manual Thomas Coleman and James E. Randall

Physiological Basis of A Comprehensive Model For Body Function Thomas Coleman

Student's Manual Thomas Coleman and James E. Randall